Title: The Rose and the Dagger
Series: The Wrath and the Dawn, #2
Author: Renée Ahdieh
Publication Date: April 26, 2016
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy, Retelling
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I am surrounded on all sides by a desert. A guest, in a prison of sand and sun. My family is here. And I do not know whom I can trust.
In a land on the brink of war, Shahrzad has been torn from the love of her husband Khalid, the Caliph of Khorasan. She once believed him a monster, but his secrets revealed a man tormented by guilt and a powerful curse—one that might keep them apart forever. Reunited with her family, who have taken refuge with enemies of Khalid, and Tariq, her childhood sweetheart, she should be happy. But Tariq now commands forces set on destroying Khalid's empire. Shahrzad is almost a prisoner caught between loyalties to people she loves. But she refuses to be a pawn and devises a plan.
While her father, Jahandar, continues to play with magical forces he doesn't yet understand, Shahrzad tries to uncover powers that may lie dormant within her. With the help of a tattered old carpet and a tempestuous but sage young man, Shahrzad will attempt to break the curse and reunite with her one true love.
A beautiful conclusion of one of the many fantasy books I've come to love. The Rose & the Dagger takes us to Shahrzad back with her family and the people whom she knew most of her life yet are enemies with her husband, Khalid. During her stay, she discovered secrets that could either help her and the people she loved or could put them in danger and be used for destruction.
My emotions were all over the place because The Wrath & the Dawn left me in a state where I want the next book ASAP. This duology easily became my favorite because of its interesting characters with their own stories to tell, the world-building where there's magic and curses discovered, Shazi's stories and the love between her and Khalid--and not just them though. Other characters were falling in love and they all made me so happy and... heartbroken (you'll know when you read it). Their love stories are the kind that made my heart flutter and shatter at the same time. When Sharhzad and Khalid fell in love, a part of me fell in love with them.
I love Renée Ahdieh for that plot twist. I did not expect that AT ALL. I had to keep myself awake because all I could think of was "I WON'T STOP UNTIL I FINISH THIS BOOK TONIGHT" and I did. Although the book have some stuff that I think weren't necessary (posted them in my Goodreads review but warning: SPOILER ALERT). Still, I gave this a solid 5 stars because I might have some bit of issue with it, the good stuff outweighed (a lot!) the ones that I think were irrelevant or just plain no.
Shahrzad al-Khayzuran is truly a queen. With or without a crown, to me she is one. A strong girl who doesn't belong anyone but herself. A girl with a brave heart and a bright mind. I love her so much. Also a standing ovation to the other female characters in these books because they have their own unique personalities, wits and smarts. I won't discuss them because I might give away. Their stories is for you to discover.
The ground did not exist. Nor did the sky.
Here, she was truly boundless.
Fear would never overtake her again.
This is the last book and it's time for that goodbye. As hard as it is for me not being able to read more about them, I'm glad and satisfied. Thank you, Renée Ahdieh, for the story that made my reading and waiting so worthwhile.
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