Jun 8, 2016

Book Review: Coast

Title: Coast
Series: Kick, Push, #2
Author: Jay McLean
Publication Date: June 07, 2016
Genres: New Adult, Contemporary
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One life-changing summer.
One boy.
The boy.
The boy who offered me safe touches and heart-stopping smiles - smiles he shared with his son.
We filled our days with porch-step kisses,
filled our ears with laughter,
filled our hearts with love.
Deep, soul-aching, desperate love.

But love is misleading.
It's an invisible, fleeting moment.
Somewhere between false adoration and pure hatred comes an emotion, a vulnerable need, a single desire.
It lives within the ones who miss it, who crave it,
who know better than to expect it.
Love is relentless.
Even when that love turns to hate, turns to loathing,
turns to pain.

Love should heal you.
But it can also break you.
Believe me, I know...
Because I'm Becca Owens - a broken girl...
...And he's Josh Warden - the boy who broke me.


Coast is the sequel of Kick, Push, book three of Jay McLean's The Road Trilogy--though I'm not sure if this is the last book.

I cried when I read Kick, Push and to think, I was still at the prologue when the waterworks started and all throughout the book I felt as if Jay McLean wants me drowning in the sea of my emotions. I didn't cry as hard when I read this one but I did have my teary-eyed moments. I don't want to get into detail because I might spoil and where's the fun (and hurt) in that? All I can say is that Coast still tugged my heartstrings like how Kick, Push did but this time, I'm glad that my heart wasn't feeling all too heavy most of the time.

What if you were the land, and I was the sea? What if the coast we'd been searching for was us all along... living and existing together?

Becca and Josh grew as characters in this book where they pursue their dreams and made sure they got something planned for the future. I'm proud of Becca for going strong because she never had an easy past and that past affected her current state. Her not giving up and showing determination is something to look up to and I can really connect to her love for photography. Josh, on the other hand, is still a great dad despite how busy he is with his career. I'm also glad he can control his temper now although he and Becca still got this jealousy thing in them but it didn't really take me away from them because there were times when their jealousy was funny to read.

And Tommy... I LOVE THIS LITTLE BOY SO MUCH. He's like this ray of sunshine that brings light to the people around him, especially Becca's. Gosh the effect he has on Becca is the reason why I can't help but cry every time he makes her smile/cry from happiness. I love his scenes, I love how he loves Becca (and of course, his dad...), I love many things about this little kid and I'm so happy he played a big part in the lives of of these characters. There are those kids in books where they're just "there" but I gotta give it to the author for not sidelining Tommy. He's such a sweet kid.

I've also come to love the many minor characters who have helped and supported Becca and Josh to go forward. Though I kind of miss Blake and Chloe but all's good and I'm happy where they are now. There's also Josh's friends who were really amusing whenever they tease him.

Overall, Coast was a book that was honestly satisfying to read since Kick, Push broke my heart. This one STILL did broke my heart but I love how our main characters were moving on with their lives to a better future. This was bittersweet and somehow tragic, but it made me appreciate the characters celebrating life despite the bumps along the way.



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